Monday, November 1, 2010

Reverse Logistics: from Customer to Manufacturer to Supplier


In the epoch of various occurrences (e.g. globalization, industrialization and technological advancement), the international marketplace including its particular areas and systems is perceived to be overly affected by the processes intrinsic to them (Thierauf, 2001; Hitt, Hoskisson, and Ireland, 2003). Among the observable impacts of such emerging business conditions is competition. Competition among the various industries in every given economy is rapid and stiff. It is as if ‘survival of the fittest, extinction of the weakest’ trend. Accordingly, the global market is considered to be in hyper competition mode (D’Aveni, 1995) and its rate is increasing as technology and industry concentration is intensified. With the international conditions of businesses, the aim for competitive advantage and market superiority remains to be one of the most important factors at hand. Aside from ensuring effectiveness in management, profit-oriented corporations are also considering a total evaluation of their organizational standards such as supply chain management and logistics.

Reverse logistics, as defined by The Council of Logistics Management, is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or proper disposal. Nowadays, many definitions of reverse logistics can found from mainstream literatures such as the Internet and various websites, journals, dictionaries, books and even magazines. Traditionally, reverse logistics is the process of a product returning from its point of consumption through channel members to the point of origin to recapture value or ensure proper disposal (Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, 1999). Reverse Logistics is typically a significant source of Lost Revenue, Excess Cost and Customer Dissatisfaction (Cochrane, Daniel and Vick, 2006). It includes the ability to return the product, thus maximizing materials flow back, and allowing for possible reuse and recycling of materials. Returns of product might affect every channel member from Customer to Manufacturer to Supplier. Products are returned for many reasons depending on who initiates the return – end Customer, Supplier, or Manufacturer – and on the nature of the materials being returned. Returns may include either the packaging or products, or both (Schatteman, 2006). Most of the product return was created by consumers and from a US survey conducted in 1998 among 311 Logistics Manager, reverse logistics accounted for about six per cent average consumers returns from retailers (Schatteman, 2006). More recent estimates suggest that the size of reverse logistics is about 4 per cent of the total logistics cost (Stock et al., 2001). Stock and colleagues suggests that in 2001 in the US alone the total value of reverse logistics was around USD43 billion as shown in Table 1 for the different industries. Although these figures are somewhat old, they are indicative of the general run of returned items.

Table 1

Percentage of returns by Industry



Book publishing


Magazine publishing –special interest


Computer Manufacturers


Direct to consumer computer manufacturers




Mass Merchandisers


Auto Industry (parts)


Internet retailers


Source: Adapted from Dawe, (1995) “Reengineering Your Return (cited in Schatteman, O 2006, Reverse Logistics, P268)

Furthermore, Reverse Logistics is a growing and important area of strategic advantage for many companies, and is especially relevant in the computer industry. Its nature is a very complex and specialized area of any supply chain. No matter what the product is, how it sold, or who the customers are, every company needs to focus on improving reverse logistics process in order to create value and reduce costs for the business. To achieve the optimum profit, overall cost has to be controlled and companies have to focus their effort on the key elements in the implementation of a systemized forward supply chain. After selling the products in most of the industries, the supply chain process actually does not stop. These days, many companies which neglected the importance and did not spend sufficient time or effort in reverse logistics before have started to focus on this hidden part of the supply chain.

Statistics suggest that the return rate from computer manufacturers and Optical Data Drives (ODD) industries were 10-20% and 18-25% respectively (“Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices). Companies spend roughly $43 billion on returns in USA, specifically 4.5% of return on total logistics costs (AMR Research). It is estimated that some industries have return rates in the range of 30% to 50% (Meyer, 1999) while some as even as high as 60% (Jedd, 1999). As a result, reverse logistics is becoming more important in the supply chain process and will save cost and create value if reverse logistics can be managed in an efficient way.

In the past, many people thought that the supply chain process was finished once the products were sent or sold to the customer. Now it is realised that the supply chain process does not come to an end after the products are sold in most industries. Many companies are thus beginning to pay more attention to this hidden part of the supply chain. Therefore, the importance of reverse logistics in total supply chain has been widely discussed recently. Reverse logistics has become a growing and important area of strategic advantage for many companies especially in the computer industry. For computers, often there’s a grand sales held at the Bargain Sales centre in which the manufacturer collect those old model or non best selling PCs from each of its stores or outlets and resells at discounted prices at the bargain sales centre and this is an example of reverse logistics (Wikipedia, 2006).

With the identified importance of reverse logistics, there is a need to explicitly provide a discussion of its underlying principles by applying such in the computer industry. The main objective of this research is to compare different reverse logistics systems among selected global computer companies in China, with the intention of improving understanding of how reverse logistics may become a competitive advantage to a computer company.

Research Aims

The key aim of this project is to examine the complex issues that computer companies and suppliers face in managing their Reverse Logistics. The intention is to emphasize the importance to management of reverse logistics processes as well to compare different reverse logistics system, analyze trends problem, and understand the development of reverse logistics systems in the computer industry in China. The paper will seek to demonstrate the challenges that computer companies may face in undertaking reverse logistics and how best to manage the process effectively. Nowadays, many companies do not have an awareness of the current costs associated with reverse logistics and one of the reasons might be because of poorly defined processes and lack of system support. Due to the variable nature of returns, both processes and systems must maintain a degree of flexibility to manage the returns process.

Research Problems

  1. What are the different reverse logistics systems commonly used by selected global computer companies in China?
  2. What are the complex issues that computer companies and suppliers face in managing their reverse logistics?
  3. How does the management address identified challenges?
  4. How reverse logistics may become a competitive advantage to a computer company?


    • Research design

The researcher opted to use the qualitative research design by using the descriptive research method, which is primarily concerned with describing the nature or conditions of the current situation in detail (Creswell, 1994). The emphasis is on describing rather than on judging. This study also employs qualitative research method, since it intends to find and build theories that would explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative elements. These qualitative elements does not have standard measures, rather they are behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs. So, the goals of qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of individual events and giving voice to particular groups. This descriptive type of research will utilize observations on the particular cases that are identified with gender bias and disparities in funding. To illustrate the descriptive type of research, the researcher will gather information about the present and existing conditions of reverse logistics systems in the computer industry in China. The purpose of employing this method is to describe the nature of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the cause/s of particular phenomena. The researcher opted to use this kind of research considering the desire to obtain first hand data so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.

Using specified cases, the research questions will be answered by using empirical or observed facts from interviews and literature reviews. By combining the facts gathered from the various literatures and the observations of the researcher, the research questions are directly addressed. It is also acknowledge that the information gathered from literatures will support the identified observations. In ascertaining the response on the research questions above, the researcher will use the results (generalizations) of the literatures and will be reinforced by the responses of the interviewee(s). Also, publicly accessed articles and documents will be assessed, compared, and linked with the subject of the study specifically funding.

    • Sample population and strategy

Aside from literatures collected as secondary data from journals, books and articles, as well as researcher’s observations, the respondents of this study are personnel from selected computer industry in China. Together with the collected information from the review of related literatures, the researcher will use information that directly link and apply to the research topic. To answer the questions and arguments of the researcher, interviewing authorized personnel of is conducted. In this research, the target interviewees will be around six Senior Officers from the selected global computer companies namely: Lenovo, Acer, Dell, HP and IBM in which these companies denote the most portion of market share in China and globally. With their senior positions, the interviewees are expected to provide detailed advice on the use of reverse logistics within their respective company’s. A formal letter will be sent that states the purpose of the research. Then, the researcher will have a face-to-face conversation with the individual involved at the place of work. Questions to be asked are customized by researcher basing on information about the case and existing situation of the organization. The researcher then, takes down notes and will use it in the analysis and discussion. These information collected will serve as the reinforcing and validating agent in the analysis and discussion. After the interview session, the researcher will show appreciation to the interviewee and bid goodbye.

The use of interview was chosen because it provides the researcher an opportunity to probe and ask both nominated and open-ended questions. However, it is necessary to prepare an interview guide that includes a list of questions or issues that are to be explored and suggested probes for following up on key topics in order to facilitate pace of the interview and should make the interviewing more systematic and comprehensive.

The information gathered from the interviewees will be directly quoted, interpreted or adapted to support the initial observations of the researcher. Analysis and discussion of findings will incorporate both literatures and facts obtained. Using the theories and principles of logistics management, the researcher will come up with discussions, conclusion and recommendations as a product of empirical interpretation and analysis.

    • Research tools

The researcher will use a personal computer to encode and retrieve data, books, journals and other relevant literatures, tape recorder for the interview, and other research related materials available at hand.

    • Sources and data collection method

The primary data collection method includes the case study of the computer industry in China and interviewing personnel from organization particularly about the reverse logistics systems. On the other hand, secondary data collection method is literature review. Specifically, a wide variety of literatures covering the period from late 1990s up to the present will be used. The literatures relate to the following key words: reverse logistics, supply chain management, customer, manufacturer, supplier, and other related concepts. The author conducted a thorough critical review of the literatures that are personally selected. Related concepts and theories are reviewed from various literatures. This is to ensure that the claims and findings of this research study are supported by legitimate sources.

    • Validity and reliability of data

In terms of validity, research utilizing qualitative methods can be considered valid. On the broadest sense validity addresses issues about the quality of the data and appropriateness of the methods used in carrying the research. Although reliability and validity issues apply mostly to research results and conclusions, one must consider those issues at the time of the design of the research, (i.e. at the earliest stages of the research process), because if the researcher consider them only at the end, it will be too late to gather data on a research question that is of any relevance and quality at all.

There are limited threats in the internal validity and reliability of the research and research methodology because information used in this research investigation are previously conducted researches and already published. Since the main materials of this research are based on first-hand facts collected from observations and interviews and the same time supported by the results and findings successful research studies from the past, there is no threat of validity and reliability of information. However, consulting an able adviser will help significantly.

Proposed Time Schedule of Study


November 20

Search for the secondary data thought journals, books & internet

November 28

Gather the market & operational information

December 15

Consolidate the data and information to prepare for the user’s interviews

January 10

Invites some Logistics Experts to comment if the prepare question are relevant for the interviewer

Jan 20 to

Jan 30

Conduct the In-depth interview with the 6 senior officer from the selective global computer company in China

February 3

Sum up all the analysis and recommend

February 18

Start to draft the final project report

March 31

Hand in the final project

Resource Requirements

There are several resources requirements in this project.

(1) Information resources include primary and secondary data. Collection methods have already been discussed in the previous paragraphs.

(2) Human resources refer to me and careful planning will help me finish the task in an efficient way. Constant contact and communication with our supervisory is essential.

(3) Time resources are limited since the final project report should be submitted in Mid Mar 2007. Given the timeframe, we should ensure every task to be completed as scheduled.

(4) Money resources are the expenses that required conducting interview. Due to the cost is only traveling from HKG to Interviewee’s office; it will be bear by me. By using the Internet, information can be gathered in a more efficient way and therefore help reduce the money required.


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