A prerequisite element for heath care delivery efficiency is the smooth working relationship of the doctor towards the nurse and vice versa. This element has been more often than not disregarded, which led to the inadequate care of the patient, thus adding more to the cost of the health care system. The general notion of being a doctor and a nurse is that people think that the former are superior to the latter, which I strongly disagree. Both come from the same medical background, but they highly differ in the interventions they present to the patient. With what's is happening nowadays, the increased demands of health care professionals, particularly nurses for that matter, are present in a number of countries. Doctors shift to the study of being a nurse, and a nurse would evidently proceed to medicine if she opts to. This exchange of roles benefits one from the other because each would know the various principles regarding the fields. Doctors would learn how to take care of the patient more by introducing nursing interventions, and nurses would learn an in depth knowledge about alterations of a normal human being and be able to prescribe the right medicines that would alleviate his abnormal condition.
The gap between the interpersonal competencies of the doctors and the nurse is on the professional level. Based on a research, doctors are more likely to possess the inadequacy of interpersonal skill development. Doctors tend to be unemotional when it
Interpersonal Competencies of Nurses and Doctors 2
comes to the wellbeing of the patient. At times, they only assess shallowly and give medications without even bothering to run tests. On the part of the nurses, the lack and poor interaction socially adds to the influence of their working relationship, be it inside the health care facility or outside. Other factors include respect perception, personal traits and attitude. Nurses also noticed that they are not properly notified by the doctors if a patient is infectious or not, thus putting both the nurse and the patient at risk because the nurse will still put up barrier nursing techniques. In contrast, the doctors also state that nurses delay reports of patient conditions.
The study recognized the lack of appreciation by doctors of nurses, union by activists, shortage of staff, and policies of the government are distinguished to be in the doctor's favor compared to the nurses. This suggests inequality between both parties. Significantly, this contributes to the poor delivery of health care to the patients and decreased health care system efficiency.
Added training and enhancement of working conditions of the nurse will improve the shortage in nursing staff and will lead to a more efficient and better delivery of health care, patient outcome improvement, reduced mortality and morbidity, and lesser stay in the hospital and considerable savings of cost. Investment in further nursing education and conditions at work will make productivity better. Moreover, health care professionals and hospital administration ought to pay attention to the needs of their staff, and among all members, initiate an atmosphere of understanding and mutual respect.
The gap between the interpersonal competencies of the doctors and the nurse is on the professional level. Based on a research, doctors are more likely to possess the inadequacy of interpersonal skill development. Doctors tend to be unemotional when it
Interpersonal Competencies of Nurses and Doctors 2
comes to the wellbeing of the patient. At times, they only assess shallowly and give medications without even bothering to run tests. On the part of the nurses, the lack and poor interaction socially adds to the influence of their working relationship, be it inside the health care facility or outside. Other factors include respect perception, personal traits and attitude. Nurses also noticed that they are not properly notified by the doctors if a patient is infectious or not, thus putting both the nurse and the patient at risk because the nurse will still put up barrier nursing techniques. In contrast, the doctors also state that nurses delay reports of patient conditions.
The study recognized the lack of appreciation by doctors of nurses, union by activists, shortage of staff, and policies of the government are distinguished to be in the doctor's favor compared to the nurses. This suggests inequality between both parties. Significantly, this contributes to the poor delivery of health care to the patients and decreased health care system efficiency.
Added training and enhancement of working conditions of the nurse will improve the shortage in nursing staff and will lead to a more efficient and better delivery of health care, patient outcome improvement, reduced mortality and morbidity, and lesser stay in the hospital and considerable savings of cost. Investment in further nursing education and conditions at work will make productivity better. Moreover, health care professionals and hospital administration ought to pay attention to the needs of their staff, and among all members, initiate an atmosphere of understanding and mutual respect.
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