Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sample Promotion Letter

Dear _________,

Before anything else, let me greet you a pleasant day. As I have heard, you are five months pregnant to your first child. Let me extend my congratulatory message to you and your husband for being expectant parents in four months time, and for you, as an expectant first-time mother.

As you know, due to the resignation of _____________, her group, the product compliance group, was merged with your group. Since that is the case, there exist greater responsibilities, which are not easy to handle by a single person. Especially that these two groups are now critical to our upcoming launch of "Zeuss", our new next-generation disk drive. That is why I have decided to create a new director's position. As of now, it is still open and the management has not yet made their final choice regarding the position.

The good news is that you are the only valid and qualified candidate inside the company for the said position. Since you begin working in the company, you have already shown dedication and hard working in your job. While at present, you have shown exemplary leadership, innovation, and sharp thinking in fulfilling your duties and responsibilities as the person in charge of the environmental testing of the engineering group. Even the senior executives believe in your capacity and capabilities as a senior manager.

However, due to the pressures and bigger responsibilities connected with the new position, I think you cannot handle it, especially now with your case. In behalf of the company, I am extending my regrets, but you are not qualified for the said position.

However, this is only a short-term solution, as I have said due to the pressures of the upcoming launch of "Zeuss". An alternate plan is available, which involves the hiring of an interim director, who will be working with us for six months. Before and after your maternity leave, you will be the one responsible to work closely with him. This is for him to know and fulfill his duties well; especially on the time you are already on leave. Those are the times when your position is very crucial to the success of "Zeuss". I would also like to inform you that you will also eventually become a director on due time, if you are already prepared to take bigger responsibilities and heavier management loads.

As for now, that is the only best way we know to cope up with the situation. Hope you will also understand our point, as we have understood yours. I will be waiting for your response to this. I know that you know what to do, what is best for you and our company.

Again, good day and God bless.


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